Bianca's Quinceanera

These are some breath-taking images taken from Bianca's Quinceanera, which is her fifteenth birthday. She and her brother posed with our Cinderella horse carriage for images that would be displayed at her Quinceanera. She wore two different dresses. One white and one blue. The white dress pictures were displayed before she made her grand entrance to the party. Then after she made her entrance, the pictures were changed to the ones with the blue dress, which is the one that she wore to the event.

I'm so in love with this shoot. She's a gorgeous young lady and the photographer Jennifer Mosley did an awesome job. You should check out her work at

Also, these were taken at one of my favorite venues the Club Continental. It is so pretty there with the trees and the waterfront. I love doing weddings there. The best way to incorporate our carriage is to have it as a send-off from the reception. Then we take the bride and groom on a romantic ride down River Road, which travels right along the river's edge. Here's Club Continental's website:

And now for some more pics from the Quinceanera! Some are mine. The awesome ones are from Jennifer Mosley.

A close up of Cinderella's glass slipper with Cinderella sitting our our horse carriage at Club Continental in Orange Park, FL
Bianca posing as Cinderella in our horse carriage at Club Continental in OP, FL. I love her magic wand.
Happy Quinceanera to Bianca as she regally sits in our white Cinderella horse carriage in OP, FL
Our beautiful Cinderella carriage now in white serving all of Florida and Georgia.
Bianca's awesome blue Quinceanera dress in front of our Cinderella horse carriage at Club Continental in Orange Park, Florida
Our white carriage horse Big Ben trying on my top hat. He says that he looks sharp and that he wants to drive the carriage next. Orange Park, FL.